- Klein Electronics - Professional 2-Way Radios & PoC Goods

Description: Klein Electronics offers a variety of 2-way radios & push-to-talk over cellular (PoC) accessories for all your professional communication needs.

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From a complete line of 2-way radios and accessories, to a full suite of P.O.C. Push-To-Talk custom accessories and charger solutions, we have the solution you need. With in-house firmware and electrical engineers, we smoothly integrate HW and SW into rugged, professional products. Tenure is an average of 15+ years, with several key people being on board for 18-20 years, making our process experienced, agile and easy to work with.

From our brands to yours, Klein Electronics is your partner of choice. We are your full service company from OEM and ODM Design, Development, and Distribution.

Contact us today for all of your communication product needs.