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Stitch Temari, Share the Wa

        Temari   (in Japanese writing,てまり) - " te " means hand, and " mari " means ball -  is an ancient folk art form. The Japan Temari Association provides the history of Temari as originating from Kemari (a football/kickball type game), originally coming from China during the Asuka Period (538 to 710). The balls were originally made from deer hide. During the Edo Period (1603 to 1867), women in the Royal Court evolved Kemari to Onna Mari (which then became Temari), and would make brightly colored balls f

        Temari were/are made from previously used materials: discarded clothing and household items were taken apart, and as much as possible the fabric pieces and threads would be saved and reused (for many purposes). Materials from nature were also used. The earliest known was most likely deer hide, stuffed with pine needles and then sewn together. Later on pieces of fabric would be used. Regardless of material, the process is the same: a core filling is wadded into the shape of a ball, then wrapped with

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