ten-ele-ven.com - ten-ele-ven — a site dedicated to travel, food and crafting

Description: a site dedicated to travel, food and crafting

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a site dedicated to travel, food and crafting

My mom’s homemade chili paste is comfort food to me. Growing up, there is always a bottle of chili paste in the refrigerator. I add her chili paste to almost every home cooked meal that I eat. I add this chili paste to bowls of rice filled with meat and vegetables (and mix it all up bibimbap-style), to noodle soups (because I like my food spicy) and even to western-style meals of steak and roast chicken.

When I decided to start documenting my mother’s recipes, this chili paste was right at the top of my list. Coming up next is my mother’s sambal chili, or rempah – the sort she uses to cook sambal okra, sambal kangkong, sambal eggplant and as a base for laksa!

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