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Open menu THE SHOCK OF THE OLD Audio Gigs Albums Shop VIDEOS BOOKS Open menu Fiction Young Readers Short Fiction OPINIONS Open menu Blogs Writer’s Shed MY STORY MEDIA Open menu Press Releases Reviews / Interviews Press Photos CONTACT NEWS My spring and summer tour of   The Shock of the Old is now pretty much in place. I’ll be taking the show across England, starting with the Gatehouse Theatre in Stafford on 4th April, then on to Epsom, Yarm, Hull, Bordon and the the Isle of Wight. Bookings are being taken f

To my great pleasure, I’ve discovered that this is a chock that evolves and changes with each performance. I’m able to include new songs and keep the show up to date as the world and I (particularly the letter, come to think of it) grow older.

I’m also very happily doing non-themed gigs and will soon be appearing in north Norfolk and Hertfordshire  – details on my gigs page.

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