terrasigna.info - TERRASIGNA National Ground Motion Monitoring: Romania between 2015 - 2020

Description: Our team has grouped in a book  a collection of ground displacement rate maps, illustrating the power of satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) to detect and monitor subtle ground displacements associated with various phenomena: natural or anthropogenic hazards related motions like subsidence/uplift (due to fluid dynamics, clay shrink/swell, mining activity, tunneling, water extraction, etc); infrastructure deformations (e.g. water reservoirs, dams, bridges and other buildings).More than 1500 Sentinel-1 A/B

technology (16677) water (6018) space (3277) romania (1518) monitor (1206) based (636) ground (541) detect (65) displacement (53) insar (11)

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Our monitoring solutions are mainly (but not completely) based on an advanced space technology: Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) / Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI).