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North Korea Says It’s Begun ‘Weaponizing’ Plutonium By Paul Tighe and Seonjin Cha Last Updated: September 3, 2009 19:12 EDT Reprocessing of spent fuel rods is “at its final phase and extracted plutonium is being weaponized,” the official Korean Central News Agency said today. “Experimental uranium enrichment has successfully been conducted to enter into the completion phase.”  N Korea 'in final uranium phase' North Korea has entered the final phase of uranium enrichment, the country's state media has report

Pakistani Taliban target nuclear air base in wave of bombings. The Pakistani Taliban targeted an air base believed to be one of the country’s secret nuclear weapons facilities on Friday among a wave of suicide bombings that killed at least 25 people across the country. By Saeed Shah in Islamabad Published: 3:49PM BST 23 Oct 2009

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