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Description: I define my disability, it does not define me...

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I define my disability, it does not define me…

Menu Confessions Why Me… A Letter to a Love Lost September 18, 2022 ~ terrywiens ~ Leave a comment My sweet one, I return these to you in the same way they were meant and that was one of gentleness and caring.  The very make up of them reminded me of the fragile nature of your soul.  The watch represented the time I hoped to spend with you in my lifetime and the chain … Continue reading A Letter to a Love Lost

"Moving on is not closure. It's not neat, and it's not about turning the page. It is about moving on, but it doesn't mean that you've left something behind." - Thomas Gibson Another major loss, Queen Elizabeth, has expanded the the pall of death across the world. A nation mourns, a world reacts (slowly) with … Continue reading Closure

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