Description: Tesca Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is World's Leading ISO Certified Manufacturer & Exporter of Test,Measuring,Workshop Tools,Machines,IT Products,Software,Mobile App & Technical Education Training Equipment.We are Member for Electronics & Computer Software Export Promotion Council,New Delhi,India having sales in more than 60 Countries Worldwide. Doing turnkey projects meant for School Education, Vocational Training,Laboratory,Health Center,Hospital Equipment,Agricultural Modernization
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Select Category -Aircraft Trainers - -Aircraft Systems - -Avionics & Instrument Systems - -Maintenance Hands-on Trainers - -Powerplant Systems -Authorized Dealers - -3D Systems - -ABRIGO - -Agisoft Metashape - -Ahuja - -All Test Pro - -AVEVA - -DOT Product - -EMLID - -EOS - -FARO - -Fein - -GARMIN - -GEO SLAM - -GEOMAX - -GExcel - -GMT - -Hydromine - - -Expansion Joints and Bellows - - -Pipe Fittings Flanges and Fabrication - - -Pipe Jointing Couplings - - -Piping Fabrication -
Order Code: 10204
Order Code: 10009