test.ind.in - The Educational Standards and Testing Council of India

Description: TEST-COIN has envisaged an action plan for improving the quality of education in India as it has been felt that quality is the single most important issue in education, business and government today.

quality standards (16) systems methodology (2) educational standardstesting council (1) educational institutute colleges (1) quality of education in india (1) assessing the standards in schools (1) ensuring quality teaching and research (1) solving problems like poverty (1) peaceless (1)

Example domain paragraphs

TEST-COIN has envisaged an action plan for improving the quality of education in India as it has been felt that quality is the single most important issue in education, business and government today. The following publications have been brought out during the last 15 years of his existence : # Educational Standards Measurement # Educational Performance Management # Educational Testing Services # Educational Planning and Administration # Educational Technology # Institutional Management # Knowledge Managemen

Links to test.ind.in (1)