testforlead.uk - Lead Testing Services - Test For Lead

Description: Test for Lead: lead testing services from Heritage Testing, include lead paint testing, lead dust testing, lead cleaning, lead contamination, and lead abatement.

lead abatement (42) lead testing (32) lead paint testing (13) heritage testing (10) lead contamination (6) test for lead (5) lead dust testing (5)

Example domain paragraphs

With its density, workability and corrosion-resistance, lead has a long industrial history and has been used in a wide range of products. Within the construction industry paint is a major source of lead contamination, however, lead is present in a wide variety of materials including varnish, plastics, slate and pipes.

Lead poisoning affects many of the body’s organ systems, including the nervous system, kidneys, cardiovascular, immune and reproduction systems. There is no scientifically agreed safe level of lead.

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