texashousingco.wpenginepowered.com - Texas Housing Conference - TX Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers

Description: The Texas Housing Conference is where professionals attend to learn and connect with the most influential people in affordable and multifamily housing.

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Fairmont Austin 101 Red River St Austin, TX 78701 July 24 - July 26, 2023

Inflation, supply chain issues, rising interest rates, housing affordability, rising construction costs... get an update on the big economic issues on the minds of everyone in America.

ELLIOT EISENBERG, Ph.D. is an internationally acclaimed economist and public speaker specializing in making the arcana and minutia of economics fun, relevant and educational. He earned a B.A. in economics with first-class honors from McGill University in Montreal, as well as a Masters and Ph.D. in public administration from Syracuse University. Eisenberg, a former Senior Economist with the National Association of Home Builders in Washington, D.C., is the creator of the multifamily stock index (the first nat

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