texttransformer.org - Free TextTransformer Projects : Home

Description: Free TextTransformer grammars

converter (655) parser (69) parser generator (8) texttransformer projects (1) grammars (1) text conversion (1) syntax analysis (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Free projects for the TextTransformer program shall be listed here. The project Text 2Html for the conversion of plain text files in HTML pages makes the beginning. All contents of this web site, which you can access by the menu, are generated, by means of the Text2Html project from plain texts. The contents are embedded into a common layout by the free Minimal Website program.  

I was extremely impressed with your components and tools. Not only extremely powerful but very professionally done and well documented, etc. Really quality work, congratulations

You can have a look at the text version of this start page here:

Links to texttransformer.org (2)