- T. G. Vanini | T. G. Vanini's music and writing

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THE FOREST: A slideshow of some of T. G. Vanini’s mathematical images set to his song “The Forest” performed by the Princes of Serendip :

Jaiya Records released “Yumpatiddly Bee: Silly Songs” in May 2019. Adults and children enjoy this good-natured collection of acoustic songs. Some tell stories and jokes, some incorporate a serious message, some are pure whimsy. All are fun to sing along with. Voices, piano and strings.

This is the second in a projected series of four Princes of Serendip albums, after “Seed-Maid: Sentimental Songs”, each highlighting a mood or feeling. These silly songs are perfect for a pick-me-up to restore good humor, or for a sing-along on a car journey, or with a bracing cup of chai to energize that mid-morning moment. The message is positive and warm throughout. The signature Serendip intertwining voices are accompanied by piano, strings, mandolin, upright bass, and occasional odd noises.

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