- Who/Am/I/? – Cutting Out the Crap

Description: Cutting Out the Crap

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Cutting Out the Crap

The Titans were the elder gods in Greek mythology. Zeus the son of Cronus waged a battle with The Titans and won. Prometheus, a Titan was an intelligent god as his name suggests “forethought”, chose to fight alongside Zeus. He was never given his rightful place in Mount Olympus but was given the task of creating man. He did so out of clay and he loved his creation. He knew the Olympians wanted man to worship them and using his intelligent trickery he stole fire from Olympus and gave it to man. This displeas

I find there are so many modern parallels to Greek mythology and the lessons to be learned in those stories are so apt today that we could use their outcomes as teaching aids for our policy development in the space of digital media, government entities and mainstream media.