Description: Short and serialized stories from the author of The Last Temptation of Winnie-the-Pooh; Detective, 26 AD; and Steampunk Cleopatra. Click to read Thaddeus Thomas, author of literary fantasy, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.
fantasy author (64) cleopatra (47)
"I admire that you tell such damned human stories with fantasy." -- Chet Sandberg
After losing everything to a would-be messiah and the bloodlust of Rome, Thaddeus refuses to investigate a mystery for Pontius Pilate. Four years later, thousands of crosses line the roads outside a ruined Jerusalem. Thaddeus goes back through time and enters Herod's court as Pilate's investigator. Sometimes, fools must rush in where angels fear to tread.
Detective, 26 AD, my second novel, is available as an ebook now. Paperback coming soon.