- 开云·买球(中国)官方网站-开云·买球(中国)官方网站

Description: 开云·买球(中国)官方网站是一家专业的电阻生产厂家,在中国深圳有两个工厂,厂房面积约2万平方米,从事全系列电阻产品的研发、生产及销售。在台湾和香港设有公司,从事主要原材料的采购及财务运作。公司的设立大大加强了东方电气集团资金集中管理能力,提高了资金使用效率 ,降低了资金使用成本,并为集团成员单位提供专业化财务管理与金融服务。銷售與服務產業橫跨電源供應管理、網路通訊、消費性電子、工業電腦、汽車工業、AIoT智慧物聯網、家用電子、零售通路等多元領域。

开云·买球(中国)官方网站 (48)

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Guitar à Lorange - Guitar Courses and Lessons by Kirk Lorange

After close to 25 years of teaching online and creating way too many websites and having my lessons scattered all over the place, I am now moving everything over to this new platform here at Guitar à Lorange.

In 1994 I wrote a course called PlaneTalk which is the exposition of a very simple but all-powerful visualization technique for demystifying the fretboard. In 1997 I created my first website and I've been selling it the world ever since. It's now here, 100% online, with immediate access. 

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