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Blog Post 23 May What Kinds of Sexual Violence Are There?

Sexual violence can include all types of abuse and assault that involve the exploitation, manipulation and control of someone through their body. It can also be an act of intimidation and humiliation. Sexual violence is often tied to oppression – such as racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism and ableism – which can both cause and worsen the trauma of sexual assault. People who experience oppression are more likely to be victimized and have difficulty reporting sexual violence or getting help.

Sexual assault and rape can be very traumatic for many survivors and victims, and it is normal for them to have problems coping and healing. Many survivors have difficulties completing everyday tasks, such as working or going to school, and they can struggle with relationships and social life. Some sexual assault survivors are unable to work due to their trauma, which can have financial implications for them and their families.

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