- The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Blog

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  Hello nice friends ! Each year, my last December post is dedicated to our favourite 3 projects. This is a good opportunity to wish you a very happy Christmas, and m y time to look back on the things I have made and pick my top 3. This year was so weird ! Anyway, I have chosen to pick great achievements, such as :

starting videos on my YouTube channel to help my friends doing art journal during the 1st lock-down. We have made 2 journals together, but I have chosen this very page because it represents the place where I am living now, which is so precious to me, especially this year !

 I was also very happy to combine 2 supports I love to use : CDs and sardine cans on this project that shows many passions of mine : time, art, painting, and recycling. I consider this artwork as my #2 achievement. 

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