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Suggestions and tips for travel and dining for families.

Welcome to The Chaurands Recommend. We are a family of 7 (5 kiddos).  We've always traveled with the kids from the time they were little, and love to eat out and enjoy life.  On our blog you will find suggestions and recommendations for airlines, hotels, restaurants and travel in general; specifically what was good, what to avoid and how to plan.  We may also sprinkle in great ideas for couple getaways too (if you have kids, you'll understand).  Oh, and these reviews will come from ALL of us.

My name is Teresa.  Enrique and I married 20 years ago.  We met in Kansas City (Missouri, very important to point out), but moved to the DC area almost 9 years ago.  We have five wonderful kids; our oldest is starting college this year (yikes), we have twins (boy & girl)  and two younger girls.