- The Circle of Security Network :: Child-Parent Attachment Intervention:: Home

Description: The Circle of Security Network provides an intervention program for parents and children across Virginia that focuses on relationships. The Circle map draws a very clear link between child development, attachment research, emotional co-regulation and learning. The Circle map is equally relevant to families raising children of all ages.

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Since the COVID-19 crisis, we continue to provide both our evaluation and our intervention services, utilizing both in-person services and HIPAA-compliant telecommunications platforms that protect patient data and privacy.

We can be reached for referrals and questions via voice message at 434-984-2722, or by emailing Lisa Layne .

The COS Network provides an evidence-based The Circle of Security is an effective research-based program that has been implemented throughout the world with children and parents experiencing difficulties. intervention program for parents and children that focuses on relationships. The Network serves a wide range of families raising children and adolescents suffering from attachment difficulties due to developmental issues, reactive attachment disorder, maltreatment, disrupted relationships and complex traum