- the circus PR - from the Gutter to The Stars

Description: The Circus PR - from the Gutter to The Stars

branding (16172) brand (7050) pr (4077) public relations (2996) press (1492) music business (96) celebritiy (1) press officer (1) public relations officer (1) press management (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We like to talk about other people - preferably our own clients - rather than ourselves... Though if you'd like to know what we've done and more importantly what we might be able to do for you, drop us an email or leave a note written in invisible ink somewhere that nobody else will find it...

The Circus in John le Carre's 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' is built upon a world of intrigue, rumour and unusual ways of transferring information. Today some of the most dangerous, unscrupulous characters in society work in a business where you're never sure if you can trust the person who is giving you information that could determine your very future... International connections with many of the world's shadiest operators means going head to head with double dealing, dubious players who would sell their ow

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