Description: A Supporter of The Constitution
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2 years ago Democrats’ Kavanaugh assassination is reuniting the right Brett Kavanaugh is no longer a mere Supreme Court nominee. His name is now a veritable conservative cause — one that has united the right for the first time since the 2016 primary sent Republicans … “…it’s increasingly clear that Democrats and the media establishment made an enormous miscalculation by waging total war against Kavanaugh and his family. “
4 years ago Political Activists Who Aren’t Really Arguing about Politics at All | National Review You can’t function as a constitutional republic or a democracy with this kind of attitude. 4 years ago What Was Bruce Ohr Doing? Justice releases some damning documents, but much of the truth is still classified. Ohr is the other crook behind #CrookedHillary
4 years ago The U.S. has the leverage with Iran and North Korea There has been a lot of misinformation about both getting out of the so-called Iran deal and getting into a new North Korean agreement. The two situations may be connected, but not in the way we are usually told. 4 years ago Hungary’s Experiment Could Rebuild a Sense of Nation in Europe Viktor Orban, Hungary's prime minister, exhorts other European leaders to get busy invoking a new democracy based on Christi