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Accidents can happen unexpectedly, even in the workplace. In bustling cities like London, where industries thrive, it is important to be aware of your rights and the options available to you if you are involved in an accident at work. This article aims to provide a clear understanding of accidents at work in London and how personal injury solicitors can assist you in such situations.

London is a vibrant city with a diverse range of industries, including construction, hospitality, finance, and healthcare. Unfortunately, workplace accidents can occur in any sector, and the consequences can be physically, emotionally, and financially challenging.

Slips and trips are among the common accidents that occur in workplaces across London. They can happen due to wet or slippery surfaces, poorly maintained flooring, or obstacles obstructing walkways. Additionally, manual handling incidents, where employees lift or move heavy objects incorrectly, can result in injuries such as strains, sprains, or back problems.