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The small country town of Cwm Again is situated in South East Wales, not a million miles from England, in fact not a million miles from anywhere. It has a gentle leafy presence near a river and was once a major military stronghold. Cwm Again has been held through its history by the ELKS, the ORCS, the MAYANS, and sundry Welsh tribes. An ancient Welsh warrior tribe of raffia furniture makers settled here thousands of years ago. The town was originally called Cwm Hither, but this proved to be too much of an i
Following the battle of R’ORCS Drift in 1189 when the Town Council leader Again saw off a major invasion, the town was renamed Cwm Again. After 67 consecutive mayorships, and a scandal involving the scout troop Again left the town to open a franchise of Turnip-U-Like near Bolton. Nothing much happened in Cwm Again between 1256 and now. Or did it?
Visitors describe Cwm Again as a town they cannot remember when they have left. They wake up at home with suitcases full of Cwm Again fridge magnets, dead spiders and used shell cartridges. They have recurring dreams of green dogs, herds of armed squirrels and the sound of jungle drums. Their children watch the Harry The Spider advert on YouTube constantly and they NEVER, EVER return.