- Paid Program: The Dinner Party Renaissance

Description: To make the most out of their get-togethers, hosts are ditching the formalities and getting elegantly creative.

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The Dinner Party Renaissance Over the course of history, people have sought to communicate across barriers of all kinds—geographic, cultural, even interplanetary. That’s never been easier than it is today, with text messages supplanting phone calls and introductions sent over social media taking the place of in-person drinks between new business partners. But while these newer forms of communication have made the world a smaller, more closely knit place than ever before, they’ve also undeniably changed the

That’s only served to underscore the necessity of face-to-face, human-to-human interaction and the social functions that support it—such as the dinner party. It’s a concept nearly as old as civilization itself: a group of people gather around a table to enjoy food, drink and each other’s company, forging real connections and reveling in a diversity of ideas and perspectives. But like communication as a whole, the dinner party is in the midst of an evolution of its own. In this new era, every gathering is an

A Conversation Piece