- The Ditch Mob

Example domain paragraphs

I pulled this from my social media. Would like to try to use this blog more to collect just training/event stuff. Plan to update the site with better content as well. The event I talk about below was from 9/29/16 ------ D.O.R. Drop On Request It means "I quit"

A couple of weeks ago I attempted my first GoRuck Heavy....and failed....early. For those who don't know, a GoRuck is generally a military style team based endurance event where you march around with around a 40# ruck (backpack) broken up by different forms of PT (physical training)....push ups, burpees, thrusters, etc. At any given moment, you may also be required to carry "coupons" (additional weight) beyond your pack, which may be sandbags, logs, teammates, etc. The different levels of the standard GoRuc

Light - ~5 hours, ~10 miles, average completion 100% Tough - ~12 hours, ~20 miles, average completion 94% Heavy - ~24 hours, ~40 miles, average completion 50%