- Emotional Elephants

Description: We'll help you take control of what matters most in your life, your joy. Simply invest a few minutes and get to know your anxiety & depression numbers. We want you to stop worrying, you're not alone here. And, we need you here, more that you know . . .

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Are you a parent, teacher, coach, or professional speaker who wants to empower those around you to handle the emotional side of life without fear?

You CAN help them build a buffer between themselves and the edge without being preachy, teachy, or a “busybody.” You just need a guide that walks you through the conversations step-by-step so that you can focus on your audience, even if it’s an audience of one. Introducing . . . The Advocates for Living Program Later on, I'll give you three reasons WHY neuroscience-based talks are the best way to break the silence, remove the stigma, build emotional intelligence and resilience, create strong connections, an

But first, I want to talk about what you might have experienced, because I've heard this a lot . .