“If you find yourself stuck in a place you don’t want to be, but don’t know how you got there or how to get out, you need Dorris! I had been trapped for years in a cage of my own making; I couldn’t see the bars, but I felt them. I didn’t realize I had accepted the role of victim in my life; I didn’t recognize that just as it was my choice to play that role, it was also my choice to resign from it and choose another one. Through her insights, her refusal to accept b**s*#* ideas as valid, and some ‘tough love
I changed my name from the one I’d hated my whole life; I moved across the country to climate I liked; I changed careers. Easy? NO. Cheap? No. (Is anything worthwhile without cost?) Worth it? ABSOLUTELY. Take a deep breath, say, “I am worth this,” to yourself in the mirror, and make the call.”
is a new awakening. There is a reclaiming of our power that occurs.