- The Face - your link to design

Description: the face design blog is lifestyle design magazine from a bunch of creatives of very diverse backgrounds, held together by our passion for fresh ideas, new technology, alluring concepts, effortless fun, relentless design, products, and dreams. We want to include you in this flow of creativity through our selection on how we work live and play. Follow our posts of product design, architecture, art, experimental design, events, exibition, graphics, interior design or sustainability

art (56821) events (24266) architecture (13549) interior design (7225) graphics (5776) sustainability (3743) product design (2565) exibition (22) experimental design (19) theface

Example domain paragraphs

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo vitae, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim a

We are a bunch of creatives from very diverse backgrounds, like architecture, interior architecture, design and graphics design held together by our passion for fresh ideas, new technology, alluring concepts, effortless fun, relentless design, products, and dreams. All of us are a working professional creating living spaces, environments in a daily basis focused on three areas like homes, work- and leisure-spaces.

We want to include you in this flow of creativity through our selection on how we work, live and play.