- Flaming Yoni - Berlin

Description: Flaming Yoni

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Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to mean the “womb”, or the “source”. For yoni-bearers, the yoni also is the anchoring point for the root chakra, where our kundalini – or life force energy – lies coiled like a serpent. When our Kundalini is activated through sexual energy, a fire is lit deep within that illuminates a profound understanding of the Yoniverse.

TFY is about the uniquely feminine experience of sexual empowerment rising from the ashes against all odds. Systems of power have conspired to keep women from the full embodiment of our sexual agency for centuries. Our mission is not new – it is eternal. Sex and Pleasure deserve to be in the heart center of our life’s journey.

The Flaming Yoni is a celebration of the beautiful & unique expressions of female sexuality – from asexual to megasexual, from life-long monogamy to relationship anarchy, from deep spiritual bonds of sacred union to spur-of-the-moment flings – it is ALL infused with Yoni Energy.

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