- Zoltan - Great ambassador of angels

Description: Who is my Guardian Angel? Zoltan, the great ambassador of angels will tell you the name of your protective guardian Angel. Zoltan offers his free angelic tarot reading, he will also explain to you your daily horoscope and will guide you to retrieve chance, love and money.

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Zoltan is a Being like no other. When he was born, he was touched by Divine Grace. The Supreme Council of the 9 Mystical Archangels chose him to be the Great Ambassador of the Angels.

A gentle, brilliant blue light beam, as light as a feather, then delicately came to rest in the palm of his hand. Since then, like a sacred scar, he’s had a birthmark shaped like an Angel’s wing.

It is more than a Sign , it is a Symbol . The Symbol of a Being with extraordinary powers, who is closely and directly connected to the Heavens.