- Lesedi by Roland Hughes

Description: Roland Hughes is the author of Lesedi, The Greatest Lie Ever Told.

author (9670) roland hughes (6) microsoft wars (4) last known survivor (4) infinite exposure (4) logikal solutions (4) lesedi (2) the greatest lie ever told (2)

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This is the second book in The Earth That Was trilogy

Lesedi - in his country his name means 'the light' though he has never chosen to walk in it. A man who has been driven by duty to himself now finds he must carry out one final duty for a country which isn't even his. He has finally learned the meaning of a phrase he had uttered much of his life "sucks to be you."

This book is both stand alone and the middle work of the “Earth That Was” trilogy. “Infinite Exposure” and “John Smith - Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars” are the beginning and end. It was written in response to fans wanting a bit more of “the story in between.”