- Equestrian Recruitment | Equine Careers | Jobs with Horses

Description: A team of equestrian recruitment consultants specialising in building equine careers and filling equestrian job vacancies.

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In the last 23 years, Caroline has run her own yard alongside specialising in equestrian recruitment within the equine careers industry and has a real “nose” for the business. During that time, Caroline has built a loyal client base of both employers and jobseekers within the equestrian community, and is the first port of call for those looking to fill an equestrian job vacancy or to just have a chat about the ups and downs of the unique environment of recruitment within the equestrian industry!

We are here to help you with one-to-one support and guidance throughout the entire recruitment process! From where you are today to where you want to be, we help you to identify a realistic, constructive career pathway that will help you achieve your ambitions in the equine industry.

Follow our ‘ Equine Careers ‘ series to get straight-talking advice that will help you do more, earn more and get ahead in the professional equestrian world.

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