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Description: Joanne Johnson uses emotional alignment therapy to treat anxiety, depression, rage, anger and a range of emotional conditions

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As a result of the stresses and strains of everyday life people can suffer a wide range of symptoms. These can present primarily in a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual manner.  

Through my own experience as a ME sufferer and my subsequent healing, I have developed a  unique and highly effective therapeutic approach, which I call  Emotional Alignment Therapy. This has brought incredible relief to hundreds of people, with a huge range of issues, from all walks of life in Northern Ireland and by phone to those further afield. 

My website says a little about me, where I have come from and  provides some  information on Emotional Alignment Therapy. The Testimonials were provided by clients who genuinely wished that  others could also obtain help through this unique treatment.  I hope that you will take the time to find out more about Emotional  Alignment Therapy and how I could help YOU to feel better.