- Perimenopause and HRT: Hormonal Changes Explained

Description: Empowering women through perimenopause with valuable resources and support.

empowerment (1347) women's health (424) perimenopause (69) hormonal changes (1)

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At HelloPeri we want to change that! Every person experiencing symptoms of Perimenopause should have the access to the education, tools, and resources to navigate this phase in their life.

So many women are suffering alone through this time. Not feeling like themselves, feeling more irritable, anxious, fatigue, and gaining weight with reduced libido. 

We want to teach, empower, and support women during this time. We want all women to recognize the symptoms of perimenopause and have a deep understanding of the importance of their hormones and how hormones effect their mind, mood, and metabolism.  We will provide the resources, tools, and strategies to help women balance hormones, feel incredible, and get after all the things in life they want to do.