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Engineering is a highly sought-after academic option primarily owing to the lucrative and diverse career options that it has to offer. For many years now, India has established itself as one of the top engineering destinations in the world with more than 2000 engineering colleges, 1000 polytechnics and 200 schools of planning and infrastructure, churning out 15 lakh engineering graduates last year. IT revolution coupled with the rapid developments made in core engineering domains is constantly increasing th

Out of the many higher education streams, MBA is one program that has always remained in-demand in India. The latest India Skill Report states that MBA degree which is the second most employable course in the country still can’t guarantee a seamless entry into the corporate realm. According to the report, only 46.59 % students with an MBA degree are employable or have the necessary skills required to get hired.

Getting students Industry ready is a topic that has been discussed many times over the years and as the industry academia gap is getting wider, it is high time that educators come up with a solid plan to tackle this situation. This gap is further exemplified in the engineering realm where a study conducted a couple of years ago shows that less than 10 percent of engineering graduates have adequate skills for them to be employed.

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