- The Irreverent Reverend

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My WordPress Blog

4/6/23 Trinity Sunday Isaiah 40:12-17, 27-31 Matthew 28:16-20 Today we are marking Trinity Sunday. It is always the first Sunday after Pentecost where we are meant to celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity: God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three-person Godhead. Celebrating foundational Christian doctrine might not sound all that exciting, but it is! It is good, I think, to remind ourselves about the essence of our Christian faith after the events and activities of Lent, Easter

21/05/23 Acts 1:6-14 John 17:1-11 Life and the world can often feel up and down. Prices are up, spirits are down. Interest rates are up to try to keep inflation down. We can be happy one minute and weeping the next. In our Gospels since Easter there have been many ups and downs. Jesus was lifted up onto the donkey and hailed as a hero. Next he was beaten down and lifted up onto the cross. To be brought down and put into the tomb. We are told he descended to the dead and rose again on the third day. Accordin

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