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The official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Home News Local Nation World Vatican Columnists Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann Father Mark Goldasich Contributors Sister Eva-Maria Ackerman Vincent Anch Vince Cascone Rick Cheek Emily Lopez Bill Maloney Father Dan Morris Deacon Dana Nearmyer Debra Niesen Michael Podrebarac Tom Racunas Deacon Bill Scholl Lauren Solidum Leon Suprenant Chuck Weber Deacon Tony Zimmerman Extras Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Calendar Catholic Schools Faith Al

The official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Home News Local Nation World Vatican Columnists Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann Father Mark Goldasich Contributors Sister Eva-Maria Ackerman Vincent Anch Vince Cascone Rick Cheek Emily Lopez Bill Maloney Deacon Dana Nearmyer Debra Niesen Deacon Bill Scholl Lauren Solidum Leon Suprenant Chuck Weber Extras Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Calendar Catholic Schools Faith Alive Kids Chronicles Listen to the Issue Parish Directory Classifieds Ar

The official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Home News Local Nation World Vatican Columnists Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann Father Mark Goldasich Contributors Sister Eva-Maria Ackerman Vincent Anch Vince Cascone Rick Cheek Emily Lopez Bill Maloney Deacon Dana Nearmyer Debra Niesen Deacon Bill Scholl Lauren Solidum Leon Suprenant Chuck Weber Spanish Articles Extras Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Archives Regular Issues Special Issues Calendar Catholic Schools Faith Alive Kids Chroni