- The MacBook Diaries – Welcome To My World…

Description: Welcome To My World...

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I won’t bore you with an update of my life, nor a promise of consistent posts or even content that you will want to see. We all know I am anything but consistent when it comes to this blog, that I pay for, and do not use. At this point, it’s been so long since I last blogged I may as well start from scratch.

Welcome or welcome back to my little corner of the internet. Where I plan to share the little bits of me with the world and hopefully not embarrass myself along the way.

I will say that since my last post in April 2020 I have continued on the book reading, my goal last year was 50 books and I was just short by four! I was so proud of myself considering I had a few months where I didn’t read anything at all. This year I have set it to 50 again with the hope that I will achieve it and maybe even pass it. So far as of today, I am eight books in!