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Embarrassed by Acoustic Feedback During Your Conferences Presentations or Panel Discussions? CONTACT THE MICROPHONE MAN Concerned that Side Comments by Participants will be Heard by the Audience. THE MICROPHONE MAN CAN HELP Never Seem to Have Enough Microphones or Other Equipment for Your Events? THE MICROPHONE MAN HAS WHAT YOU NEED Need Help Supplying Audio Feeds for the Media? CONTACT THE MICROPHONE MAN

Want to Produce Radio or Web Based Commercials to Publicize Your Event? THE MICROPHONE MAN IS YOUR ONE STOP CHOICE Wish You Had a Professional Sound Engineer to Operate Your Audio Equipment? THE MICROPHONE MAN IS READY Thinking About Expanding Your Audience by Making Your Presentations Available on CDs, the Web, as Streaming Audio, or Podcasts? THE   MICROPHONE MAN CAN HELP YOU

The Microphone Man offers:

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