- Northwoods information & discussion about vacation areas in Wisconsin & Michigan

Description: is a information and discussion site serving your favorite vacation areas in Wisconsin and Michigan. You can talk about hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, ATVs, exploring, geocaching or anything else that you enjoy while at your cottage or favorite playground in the Northwoods.

fishing (6665) vacation (6443) wisconsin (3758) hunting (2991) cottage (1852) atv (1774) geocaching (358) snowmobiling (185) exploring (125) northwoods (81)

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by Greg on December 10, 2020 · 0 comments

in Technology

We’ve recently had a company do some repair on our computer systems and networks so we wanted to recommend them to you. They came in, got the job done quickly, everything worked again and the bill was very reasonable. It is a smaller company which we like because we’ve found the larger IT companies seem to view working on our smaller systems and networks as an more of an annoyance than anything else. Best part is they travel to the Northwoods on a regular basis and can also help out remotely. Highly recomme

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