Description: The world’s best creative writing courses to create, write and complete your book. Sign up and start today.
Discover the joy of writing fiction and craft your book step-by-step with online courses, coaching and community at The Novelry.
Learning at The Novelry is a high-energy, immersive experience with a thriving student community, a weekly program of live writing workshops and classes with world-famous authors and publishing industry names. Our online programs allow you to learn and write at your own pace with 24/7 support and flexible personal coaching sessions no matter which time zone you are in. With the curriculum created by a Booker Prize-listed award-winning author to fast-track novel writing.
The Novelry is the only creative writing course program with a combination of courses, coaching and community with a dedicated team of global bestselling authors and publishing editors from The Big Five publishers collaborating directly with world-class literary agencies to give our students the very best opportunities in the world of publishing.