- Resume - Theo van der Sluijs

Description: Theo van der Sluijs, seasoned developer, Product Manager, CTO, Product Owner, automates things and loves to build stuff.

resume (3364) theo van der sluijs (2) product manager / owner | agile coach | python developer | susta (2)

Example domain paragraphs

With years of experience as a programmer, I have come to know the digital world from the inside out. As a Product Owner / Product & Team Manager, my focus is on improving software and guiding IT teams around the world, with a special emphasis on India. It is fascinating how technology allows us to bridge distances and embrace cultural differences while working together on innovative solutions.

This journey has also led me to another passion: sustainability in IT and beyond. One notable project is my Energy Prices platform, where I have utilized Digital Ocean servers running Debian, along with several Docker containers hosting Linux-based operating systems and Python environments. This API-based system provides daily gas and hourly power prices to over 15,000 users. I have handled all the setup, configuration, and troubleshooting myself to ensure these systems deliver optimal performance and relia

Through my experiences, I have learned that success is not only measured in lines of code or project deadlines but also in the positive changes we bring about. From optimizing business and team processes to reducing a company’s ecological footprint, it is a challenging but immensely rewarding balance.

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