- The Reformed Programmer – I am a freelance .NET Core back-end developer

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I am a freelance .NET Core back-end developer

See my Entity Framework Core in Action book. The 2nd. edition covers EF Core 5. Use discount code smithpc to get 40% off! GitHub LinkedIn Twitter Recent Posts Using custom databases with the AuthP library – Part1: normal apps A pattern / library for methods that return a status, including localization Applying an improved multiple languages library to .NET applications Improving the support of multiple languages in .NET applications ASP.NET Core: Three(+1) ways to refresh the claims of a logged-in user Cate

This article explains the steps you need to use a different database provider with a normal (i.e. not sharding / hybrid) multi-tenant application. A second article called “Use custom databases with the AuthP library – Part2: sharding / hybrid apps” will cover using the “custom databases” feature with sharding / hybrid multi-tenant application.

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