- Book

Description: The Returning Silence is a book I wished I could have read when I experienced tinnitus and then had to listen to the unsatisfactory explanations of medical professionals related to the subject. I have a Ph.D. in an unrelated subject, have no formal background in either hypnosis or psychology, and claim not to be an expert. Therefore, this book is not the ultimate guide to recovering from tinnitus, but it will take you on a personal journey to better mental health and permanent silence. Building on my hypnot

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Example domain paragraphs

In my mid-thirties I began to hear a quiet sound in my left ear, which was hardly noticeable at first, but over the next few months, the sound gradually grew louder. I went to my doctor who examined my ear and told me it was probably the result of a build-up of wax. The noise in my ear was still there when the wax was removed, so my doctor referred me to see an ear, nose and throat specialist at a London hospital. Several hearing tests and ear examinations later, the cause was inconclusive and I was diagnos

On one December evening in 2009, I had happened to browse the Internet in the hope of finding answers or treatments. When I had looked online several times before, the only information that I found was about coping strategies and how to live with the condition of tinnitus, but it seemed to me I would die with this condition if it became any worse. However, on this particular occasion, David Corr's website appeared at the top of the search. I had never thought of hypnotherapy before and knew nothing about it

Having seen the media's portrayal of hypnosis, I was sceptical about the treatment, but I had nothing to lose, so after contacting David Corr and explaining some of what I had been going through, it was a pleasant surprise when he offered me an appointment to see him in January 2010. I did not know it then, but this would be the first small, but crucial step on the journey to full recovery from tinnitus. It also sparked a love and deep respect for hypnosis and for the incredible teacher that I found in Davi

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