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Description: The Shelf is a platform that seeks to give small publishers, artists, and initiatives a space for exchange and openness to the public. In 2022, this is

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is a platform that seeks to give small publishers, artists, and initiatives a space for exchange and openness to the public. In 2022, this is happening in the form of a website–as both a stage and a repository for knowledge and resources–alongside a three-day event in Hanover from October 28–October 30, planned as a prelude to the years ahead. The Shelf was conceived and is being organized by a group of cultural workers who engage with independent publishing from various perspectives–artistic, curatorial, d

The Shelf – Display is conceptualized as an open space that in the future will function as a digital platform for a diverse accumulation of various media and individual presentations as well as artistic and scientific research and contributions from a wide range of actors in all fields deeply connected to books and publishing in a broad sense.

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