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By Southwester Staff  A reinstallation of the Rubell Museum DC’s inaugural exhibition, What’s Going On that is now on view includes a dozen newly presented artworks. The updates to the initial version of the exhibition includes new paintings, sculptures and mixed media works by leading contemporary artists.  Newly installed artworks include: What’s Going On is […]

Kenneth Lin. Courtesy of Arena Stage By Sheila Wickouski  Exclusion, a new play by acclaimed theater and TV writer Kenneth Lin, is set to open May 5 at the Kreeger Theater at Arena Stage.  Exclusion is the story of an award-winning historian who is thrilled when her best-selling book about the Chinese Exclusion Act of […]

Volunteers supported Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid (SYC/W6MA) and Christ United Methodist Church 5000 Food Ministry’s Spring Food Drive. Courtesy of Karen McManus By Regina Mazur  The community response to Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid (SYC/W6MA) and Christ United Methodist Church 5000 Food Ministry’s Spring Food Drive was nothing short of heartwarming, demonstrating the […]

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