- Wooden Masts - Spars - Booms - Gaffs: Custom-Turned for Boats and Ships

Description: The Spar Shop at the Historical Seaport custom-builds wooden masts, yards, booms, and gaffs for sailing ships and modern large sailboats, as well as flag poles, interior and exterior single-log wood columns for premium homes, and custom-turned poles for special projects.

sailboats (174) bibs (117) yards (45) booms (27) masts (25) spars (16) sailing ships (6) gaffs (5) crosstrees (2) trestletrees (1)

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at the Historical Seaport

The Historical Seaport

For more video about the Spar Shop, check out our YouTube channel . We work with wooden tall ship owners, maritime museums, and movie companies. Our customers have included leading motion picture production companies, tall ship owners, and maritime museums concerned about historical accuracy . Production companies Twentieth Century Fox Films ( Water for Elephants ) Paramount Pictures ( Star Trek: Generations ) Triad Productions ( The Great American West ) 1st Mate Productions/Disney Studios ( Pirates of the