- The Wave - Coyote Buttes North Permit and Hiking Information, Images, and Maps

Description: Permit and hiking information, maps, and images of The Wave, Coyote Buttes North & South, The White Pocket, and other locations in Arizona, Utah and the Southwest.

gallery (8155) maps (2071) sunrise (409) the wave (43) coyote buttes (12) top rock (10) the second wave (7) sunset melody arch (7) edmaier's secret (7) fatali's boneyard (7)

Example domain paragraphs

The Wave is the premier photographic destination in the US Southwest. It is located in the Coyote Buttes North area of the Utah Arizona border. In addition to The Wave Coyote Buttes North contains many other spectacular rock formations. These include The Second Wave , The Alcove , Top Rock Arch, Melody Arch and the Grotto , Sand Cove , and Fatali's Boneyard . The Wave is best photographed from mid-morning to early afternoon so as to minimize the extensive shadows; the other areas listed above are best photo

A permit issued by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is required to see The Wave. Only 64 people per day (48 permits granted three months in advance and 16 permits granted one day in advance) are allowed in the area and demand far exceeds supply. During the most popular months (April, May, September, October) there can be an estimated 300 people applying for the sixteen daily permits. In the other months you usually have much less than a 50% chance of getting one at the daily lottery. Your chances are

A six mile round trip hike in required to get to The Wave. Since there is no trail to The Wave you should be able to use a map and compass or GPS to help with navigation. The BLM provides a map with your permit and instructions on getting to The Wave, and there are a small number of cairns on the way. Over the past five years five people have died on the way to/from The Wave. If you are not sure about your navigation skills I strongly suggest you hike in with a guide or a friend with these skills. Do not go