- Splash Womble's

Description: Splash Wombles

motorcycle maintenance (8) plog (7) robotwars (6) caravan maintenance (5) motorcycle diy (1) caravan diy (1) ga pilot (1) pilots log (1) excel plog (1) excel pilots log (1)

Example domain paragraphs

// Begin datetoday = new Date(); timenow=datetoday.getTime(); datetoday.setTime(timenow); thehour = datetoday.getHours(); if (thehour > 17.59) display = "evening, I hope you had a productive day."; else if (thehour > 11.59) display = "afternoon, I hope you're keeping well."; else display = "morning, shouldn't you be busy?"; var greeting = ("Good " + display); document.write(greeting); // End // -->

If you looking for light hearted inspiration with an engineering slant I'm sure you can find a few things here to give you a quiet chuckle. You may of course be on a serious mission? You'll find loads of stuff about motorcycle and caravan maintenance and a little bit about cars.

If you're a GA Pilot there's an excel based PLOG aimed at UK fliers. It's probably the most complex non internet based one you'll find but it's small enough to load onto a 3.5" floppy in case you're club PC's are as old as the planes (that's why they still teach the slide rule method then :-)